Some moths ago I started to work on a project to create Railo support for ajax tags. The idea was to implement CfAjaxProxy using the new custom tag based on cfc format that Railo makes available.

We decided to use jQuery as library to work on. I have a good feeling with it and we kept the door opened also for UI tags implementation. Things went quite well and I am particulary happy of the Bind system that manage cfc/url and javascript bindings.

I have also added support for cfdiv and for testing purposes also of cfwindow and cfajaximport ( this is really more as internal use for now ). Installing the Railo Ajax Extension you will also have the option to install a demo page that I will make more explicative in the next days. New examples, comments and notes are on the way.

You can find install isntructions here while project is actually hosted here. Please use assembla site for tickects and any other support needs. You can also post on the railobeta Google Group.

A special thanks to the Gert that hepled me a lot in writing the Railo Extension ( a post/tutorial is on the way ).
