I have just updated the RailoAjax extension provider with the new release. Many bugs have been fixed and a started cflayout ( just for tab up to now ) has been added to the demo page. Please let me have yur feedbacks, bugs, suggestions etc...

You can grab a copy from svn repository or use the following extension provider:


AndreaCfm Extension Provider : http://www.andreacfm.com/railoEx/andreacfm.cfc

From Railo preview server : http://preview.getrailo.org/ExtensionProvider.cfc

### Change log:
* Cflayout-tab binding.
* Added support for tab add,hide,remove.
* Support for tab custom styling.
* Defined demo structure
* Bug fixing.
* Started docs in wiki.getrailo.org.
* Added cflayout tab initial support.
* New examples in demo pages.
* Support for context root deployment.
