While this can looks like a bad new .... well it is not.
Latest Railo BER ( ) has included also the missing part of RailoAjax project into the Railo core distribution. From this point the development and maintenanace of the tags will be made directly from the Railo project itself.
As per today Railo included the following tags:
- cfajaxproxy
- cfajaximport
- cfdiv
- cfmap
- cfmapitem
- cfwindow
- cflayout and cflayoutarea ( just for tabs )
- ajaxonload function
- the js library that support the previous tags
I am quite happy about this step. RailoAjax just started like a fun coding of the ajaxproxy and ended into the Railo core..... I really have to thanks all the Railo Team for the support received.
So please note the following:
- If you have a RailoAjax extension installed into your server or we context please remove it before update to Or if you have already updated just remove the extension and restart the Railo.
- The RailoAjax website and the trac will be shutted down when Railo 3.2 will be delivered.
- The RailoAjax extension provider will be still available up to the 31 december 2010.
If you have any issues please contact me or raise a JIRA tickect.
If you want to help coding new functionalities the source code is available on github.