Cf Event Manager 1.0
After more than 1 year of testing I have finally reached a stable version of a feature I use since long time.
A previous version released on riaforge 6 months ago has been completely rewritten and extended.
### Who Em is for?? <ul> <li>Developers interested in developing cfml using an events based programming paradigm in the every day coding practice (not only inside an MVC like model glue or coldbox). </li> <li>Anyone interested in making his own applications extensibles.</li> <li>Developers looking for a base framework to build on.</li> </ul> ### Is Em an MVC framework ?? <p>No, EM is about events. </p> <p>Almost any application is based on events so EM can be the base of almost any cfml application or framework you want to build.</p> <p> </p> <ul> <li>A dedicated site has been created </li> <li>Tickets, Road Map and Docs ( actually 60% ) can be found at</li> </ul> <p>Please have a look and let me have your feedbacks. A demo site is included in the downlaod package or is visible on the site.</p>