Cf Event Manager 1.0

After more than 1 year of testing I have finally reached a stable version of a feature I use since long time.

A previous version released on riaforge 6 months ago has been completely rewritten and extended.

### Who Em is for?? <ul> <li>Developers interested in developing cfml using an events based programming paradigm in the every day coding practice  (not only inside an MVC like model glue or coldbox). </li> <li>Anyone interested in making his own applications extensibles.</li> <li>Developers looking for a base framework to build on.</li> </ul> ### Is Em an MVC framework ?? <p>No, EM is about events. </p> <p>Almost any application is based on events so EM can be the base of almost any cfml application or framework you want to build.</p> <p> </p> <ul> <li>A dedicated site has been created </li> <li>Tickets, Road Map and Docs ( actually 60% ) can be found at</li> </ul> <p>Please have a look and let me have your feedbacks. A demo site is included in the downlaod package or is visible on the site.</p>

Railo Projects

I have just finished to move RailoAjax project to the new, and final location, into the brand new space Railo is creating for supporting OS projects.

Site is now visible at

Svn has been migrated and can be found at  ( checkout as guest/guest)

Trac install

If you have a started project related to Railo or an idea you and you need support on your development please visit :

### <p>or drop me a line. </p>

Templating in jQuery with jTemplates

I am working in these days on the front side of an application that need to manage a huge amount of data pushed in JSON format.

These datas are not needed to be analyzed or filtered.

What I  need is to be able to display info ( coming in a unique set of data )  in many different part of the page using quite complex html generated by many conditional statements. Of course I need to be able to refresh the different areas individually.

I have used in the past spry or ext in these case but I always considered both oversized for this job, at the end the dataset has not to be manipulated.

I have then found a very powerfull solutions in jTemplates. This is a wonderfull templating tool that can be used as jquery plugin or in plain js. Between the features available :

  • conditional statements
  • looping
  • parameters
  • nested templates

Performance are very good. Have a try I really recommend this.

Railo Ajax

This version of RailoAjax starts the support of functions not strictly related to a tag or to a UI object like tabs or windows.

Firsts functions to be supported are:


You can use this fucntions to ask a form to be ajax submitted at any time with no need to trigger the submit event.


This function is used to configure a form to be submitted in ajax mode. The main difference with the previous one is that in this case the form will be submitted in ajax mode in any case, and not only when invoked by the function itself.

Railo.Ajax.navigate is on development stage.

ColdFusion 9 is out

I was expecting the release for Max but this morning I found the new CF9 available for download from Adobe Web Site.

Many intersting news respect to cf8 are availble :

  • Orm Support
  • Cfspreadsheet
  • Caching
  • Exposing of services like mailing, pdf manipulation etc….
  • Many more….

A lot of job will start now to test, on official release finally, all the new possibilities that cf9 ships.

Good job!

The RailoAjax project has finally arrived to his own location. is a the home site that will show news, guides to get started and will be updated with any usefull information about releases, road map, tutotials etc…

The documentation part has been moved into a dedicated Trac Install that can be found at

The Trac install will be used for:

  • Docs in wiki format
  • Tickets
  • Milestones and road map
  • Svn Browse

A new extension provider has been created and is already available:

Use the Railo’s google group list for posting any related question or contact me at :

The spece on assembla site will be closed in teh next days.

RailoAjax core is jquery free.

To make library lighter, especially for core usage, I have removed the jQuery dependency from the core RailoAjax library. What does this mean ??

Core tags like cfajacproxy or cfdiv do not use any UI lib and they rely on the lonely RailoAjax library. Up to version 0.5.1 some task like binding and xhr calls where made with the jQuery help and we were forced to load jQuery in any page.

From version ( already available ) RailoAjax is free from jquery dependency:

### XHR

You can now use RailoAjax as a XHR utility:

<p>var x = new Railo.XHR() ;<br />x.request({<br />url : url,<br />success:....<br />});<br />

</p> ### DOM Events

Dom event binding can be added like this:

Railo.Util.addEvent(dom element, event, callback );

Btw I decide to keep one dependency in RailoAjax that is Sizzle.js.

Sizzle is the most powerfull selector engine out there. Sizzle is fast, flexible and come from jQuery core.

Check out docs if you like.

You can use sizzle just as you were used to use jQuery selector:

<p>var element = Sizzle('#myId');</p>

Of course Sizzle return array of dom elements and not jQuery Objects.

Railo Ajax 0.5.1

RailoAjax 0.5.1 has been released.

This update added the initial support for cflayout and in particular for the tab type. Over the cf8 compatibility I am trying to add more things like e deeper callback support and some extra functionalities from tje jquery UI library.

You can update from Railo Admin ( if you already installed the extension ) or install from these 2 extensions providers:
or ( this will be
updated tomorrow - monday 14 during the day).

Let me have your feedback and wishlist for the next project ehhancement.


Railo Ajax

I have just updated the RailoAjax extension provider with the new release. Many bugs have been fixed and a started cflayout ( just for tab up to now ) has been added to the demo page. Please let me have yur feedbacks, bugs, suggestions etc...

You can grab a copy from svn repository or use the following extension provider:


AndreaCfm Extension Provider :

From Railo preview server :

### Change log:
* Cflayout-tab binding.
* Added support for tab add,hide,remove.
* Support for tab custom styling.
* Defined demo structure
* Bug fixing.
* Started docs in
* Added cflayout tab initial support.
* New examples in demo pages.
* Support for context root deployment.

Railo Ajax Extension Provider

I have created a Railo extension provider from my website. For the moment the only application you can install is the Railo Ajax Project that is also available from the provider.

So now you have more choice... and I had the occasion to go deeper into railo extensions programming...

Just add this url in the providers list of your Railo Admin ( server or web ) :

Verify the provider and then you will find the Railo Ajax application available in the applications list. Run the install thread that will also install some demo into yoru webroot.


If you have already installed the extension from the provider stay with that. I will update both the providers with new versions at the same time but as the providers are different and the extension have the same id some conflict is possible. Just choose one provider.