RailoAjax is going to close
While this can looks like a bad new .... well it is not.
While this can looks like a bad new .... well it is not.
Something very cool about github services are gists.
Gists are a sort of snippets than you can create, share and embedd using a simple js script tag. I have started to use them very often and I think I will that more and more in the future. JUst think about that gists are also plain git repo and as any git repo can be cloned and shared between your team.
I have created a very simple Mango plugin ( mango in very easy when you want to create plugins !!! ) so that you can embed your gists in your mango posts.
Syntax is incredibly easy .... just have a look here.
The mango auto install url is : http://github.com/downloads/andreacfm/mango.gists/com.andreacfm.mango.gists_1.0.zip
You can also download the zip or clone the source form the same GitHub repo.
Have fun !
While the cfeclipse team is working on giving support to the new scripting syntax added recently in cfml I falled into something that can help someone to have a better feeeling in the meantime. I was not aware, until yesterday, that this syntax is supported in a script based cfc: <div></div> So while it does not really looks “amazing” this will give you code colouring and syntax highlighting. But, most important, the syntax is fully supported from ACF and Railo too ( did not test on OpenBD ).
In the Railo mailing lists are often required informations about the settings needed to implement calls via the AMF protocol. If you use the Railo Installers ( thanks again Jordan for this !! ) anything should already being setted up and ready to use but in case of any needs there was a lack of public informations about this topic.
We have now a nice wiki section where you can find a very exhaustive explanations of many aspect of this topic ( credits to Roland Ringgenberg ) .
Have a nice Railo/Blaze Ds integration !!
For linux/unix user is quite common to use the command touch (from the shell) to update the last modified date of a file (to the current time) or to create a new file.
You can do that as well from Railo :
<cffile action="touch" file="whatever.cfm">
During last Sotr I was talking with Mark Drew and Micheal Offner-Streit ( the Railo cto ) and we discovered one of the many gems hidden into Railo engine.
Any cf developer has always fight with the missing support for a linked hash map in cfml. This lack has made a task keeping a struct in a defined order. In railo you can simple do this:
<cfset str = structNew('linked') />
What you have now is a struct 100% similar to a normal struct that has the whole capabilities of a linked hash map. For example the map keep the elements into an ordered stack.
You can read more in the railo wiki docs.
As you can read from the official Railo Blog the Amazon S3 extension will now be free to download and will be soon moved into the Railo core package.
This is an amazing news from Railo and just one of the extra feature Railo will add in the next future.
So let's stay tuned!!!
I am a bit late blogging about this but I had a quite 'intense' maech.
Since version Railo starts the ajax tags support . You can read more here.
Ok so what's teh big news? What make me proud is that I developed those tags and after a long debugging they are finally part of the Railo core engine. The tags comes from the RailoAjax project that will go on focusing on the remaining ajax tags to fill the gap with ACF ( that's the plan .... but it's a long road to do ....).
This is an example of how a community effort can really contribute to the main project. I am sure more efforts will come in the future ... so if you an idea .... some spare time ..... and you wish to contribute do not hesitate to contact me .... Railo needs you.
Jordan Micheals has posted a great update to the Railo Installers project.
Read more here.
Some of the bugs fixed/enhancements: Patch Notes:
- [NEW] IIS6 Is now fully supported on Windows Server 2003
- [NEW] IIS7 Is now properly supported on Windows 7 machines
- [NEW] IIS7/IIS6 now set "index.cfm" as a default document option
- [NEW] Windows 64-bit is now available
- [BUGFIX] Windows 32-bit Installer will now auto-detect 64-bit machines
and will install the 64-bit connector when being installed on a 64-bit
version of Windows. This is true for both IIS6 and IIS7. This avoids the
"LoadLibraryEx" failure in IIS if a 32-bit connector has been
installed on a 64-bit version of IIS.
- [UPDATE] The Tomcat connector has been upgraded from version 1.2.28 to
1.2.30 (latest as of this release)
- [UPDATE] The Tomcat Engine has been upgraded from version 6.0.20 to
6.0.26 (latest as of this release)
- [UPDATE] Source code in the Java JDK has been removed in order to
reduce the size of the installers by approximately 20 MB. The installers
now hover around the 100MB range. More rarely-used aspects of the JDK
that ships with the installer may be removed at a later date in order to
reduce the download size even more.
If you are interested in Railo and you are thinking to take part of cf.Objective() you cannot loose this. Write 4k of amazing Railo code and win a ticket.